Showing 1–16 of 146 results
..AND THEY MADE VIOLINS IN CREMONA from Renaissance to Romantic era
€60,00 -
A taste of Violin Jazz
€15,00 -
Andrea Amati Opera Omnia. Le violons du Roi (Hard cover)
€90,00 -
Andrea Amati Opera Omnia. Le violons du Roi (Soft cover)
€80,00 -
Andrea Varazzani’s violin
Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni
€15,00 -
Antonio Stradivari: l’estetica sublime – Soft cover
€100,00 -
Antonio Stradivari: l’estetica sublime (hard cover)
€120,00 -
Baggage tag
Bloc notes
€5,00 -
Block Notes
Breakfast placemat
€10,00 -
Carlo Bergonzi. A Cremonese Master Unveiled
€100,00 -
Carlo Bergonzi. A Cremonese Master Unveiled
€120,00 -
Celebrazioni Stradivariane 1737-1987