Baratto Luca
Via Gerolamo da Cremona, 47 - Cremona - 26100 - Italia
Phone: +39 339 5045842
Contacts: -
Specializations Violins, violas, cellos, restoration and repair
Luca Baratto was born in Valdobbiadene (Treviso, Italy) in 1982. In 2001 he moves to Cremona to start his studies in violinmaking at the "Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria Antonio Stradivari" with Masters Luca Bellini and Massimo Ardoli. He graduates in 2006 and gets the Violinmaker Professional Qualification in 2007, after an internship at Carlson & Neumann Cremona workshop.
Since the first years, he has tried to combine the studies with the violinmaking activity outside the school, first practicing with Master Sebastian Freymadl (2003), and developing collaborations with other international violin makers, such as Master Gervasio Barreiro from Argentina (2004), Master Martin Erben from Germany (2007) and Master Maria Magdalena Aguilar from Spain (2008).
During the years of study and activity as violinmaker, Luca Baratto has developed a specific dedication for the construction of new instruments.
This passion is still presently cultivated and improved, working as professional collaborator (since 2007) for Masters Bruce Carlson and Bernard Neumann and combining this main interest with the development of restoration and maintenance skills. Since 2013 he has started his own business and has opened a workshop in Cremona.
Luca Baratto participated to national and international competitions, such as the first (2007) and second (2008) edition of the National Competition of Violin Making - City of Pisogne (Brescia, Italy), and the XII International "Triennale" competition of Violinmaking Antonio Stradivari, where he has ranked 9th in the cello category.
He also received important rewards, such as the recommendation at the first edition (2010) of the International Contest of Violinmaking of Pisogne (Brescia, Italy), for a viola built together with Master Klaus Flavio Berntsen (Norway) and the honorable mention at the XIII International "Triennale" competition of Violinmaking Antonio Stradivari where he was finalist, ranking 5th in the cello category.