Pablo Farias

Farias Pablo Javier

Via Janello Torriani, 1/a - Cremona - 26100 - Italia
Phone: +39 320 8282683
Contacts: -

Specializations Violins, violas, cellos, Restoration and repair, Baroque instruments

He was born in Santiago del Estero, in the north of Argentina. In 1995 he enrolled in the violinmaking school of the "Universidad Nacional del Tucumán" where he graduated with the title of "Maestro Tecnico Luthier".

After a few years of work in his city, in Tucumán and in Cordoba, he moved to Italy and attended the International School of Violinmaking in Cremona (I.P.I.A.L.L. "Antonio Stradivari").

During the school year 2003/2004 he got the prize "Grandi – Taglietti" as the best student "Operatore di Liuteria".

In 2005 he was in a post graduated specialization course of "Maintenance of bows for Stringed Instruments" at C.F.P. in Cremona (professional Training Centre).

He graduated in 2006 at I.P.I.A.L.L. under Master Alessandro Voltini's guidance with whom he specialized. In 2008 he attended the course IFTS "Tecnico Superiore di Liuteria Barocca" (Advanced Technician of Baroque violin making) under the guidance of Mathijs Heyligers, Pierre Bohr, Antonino Airenti and Emilio Slaviero.

In 2009 he won the second prize in Pisogne (Italy) with a violin during the "3° Concorso Nazionale di Liuteria Città di Pisogne".

He now lives and works in Cremona.