Sardone Pasquale
Via Robolotti, 25 - Cremona - 26100 - Italia
Phone: +39 349 7141487
Contacts: ps.liuteria@gmail.com - www.pasqualesardone.it
Specializations Violins, violas, cellos Double basses Repair
Pasquale Sardone was born on July 7th, 1979 in Altamura (BA), and grew up in Poggiorsini (BA), where, since he was a boy, he had a passion for music and musical instruments.
In 2001 he moved to Cremona to attend the "Antonio Stradivari International Violinmaking School", where he learnt how to make string instruments, with his Master Violinmaker Giorgio Scolari.
He graduated in 2005 and then he started an apprenticeship in the workshop of Master Giorgio Grisales, under the guidance of Giorgio and his nephew Ricardo. During this time Pasquale further developed his interest and passion for double basses.
In 2013 he opened his own workshop in Persico Dosimo (CR) where he makes, repairs and restores instruments.