Schudtz Andrea
Via Gaspare Aselli, 56 - Cremona - 26100 - Italia
Phone: +39 0372 25331 - Fax: +39 0372 1931625
Contacts: andreaschudtz@yahoo.it - www.asviolinshop.net
Specializations Violins, violas, cellos
Andrea Schudtz was born in November 1973. He made his first steps in the Violinmaking Art with his father Pavel Schudtz, a very famous M. Liutaio who worked for Bolshoj Theatre in Moscow (Russia) and he became very expert of the Instruments Collection of the State of Russia. When Andrea was a child started to play the violin and also attended the School of Music.
When he was about 15 he started making his first instruments and took part to several Violinmaking Competitions, such as:
Violinmakers Competition of Tchaikovschy, Moscow – 1990 – where he got the Diploma, the 5th place Violoncello and the Prize for the youngest participant; Violinmakers Competition in Prague – 1992 – where he got the Diploma; 4th National Violinmakers Competition in Baveno, Italy – 1993 – where he got the Diploma; 2nd Violinmakers Competition of Tchaikovschy, Moscow – 1994 – where he got the 5th place Violin and the Prize for the best sound offered by the French Violinmakers; 6th National Violinmakers Competition in Baveno, Italy – 1997 – where he got the Diploma; Concours Internationaux de la Ville de Paris, Paris (France) – 1999 – where he got the Diploma; International VSA Competition, USA – 2000- where he got the Diploma.
In 1990 the "Prince of Asturias Foundation" invited his father Pavel Schudtz to move to Spain and work for its Orchestra. They moved to Spain and Andrea started working with his father improving in the restoration of antique instruments.
They opened two workshops: one in Oviedo (Asturias) and one in Madrid. In 1991 Andrea decided to attend the international School of Violinmaking in Cremona and moved to Italy.
He studied with Master Conia, Master Scolari and Master Negroni and in 1995 he got the Diploma. While he was attending the School, he practiced in M. Alessandro Crillovi's workshop as an apprentice. From 1995 to 1997 he attended the course of Bow Makers in Cremona, while working in the Bottega Scuola CEE.
His instruments are made following the rules of the Classical models of the Cremonese School, such as Stradivari, Guarneri and Amati, just adding a little personal touch. His varnish is very thin and elastic and the choice of the wood is excellent. All those qualities make his instruments very successful between the musicians all over the word.
At present he lives and works in Cremona where he opened a workshop in the centre of the town. Here he builds and repairs violins, violas and cellos; he also restores them and tunes all stringed quartet instruments and their bows and, under request, he is also able to make antique instrument's reproductions.