President Prof. Loris Pezzani |
Paolo Salvelli
Tiziano Zanisi
M Giorgio Grisales
M Riccardo Bergonzi
M Michele Ferrari
M Bernard Neumann
The Trademark Control Committee, in accordance with Article 10 of the Rules for the Use of the Cremona Liuteria Trademark, consists of 7 members appointed by the Board of Directors of the Consortium, 3 of whom are external and non-members of the same, 4 who are who are themselves Trademark licensed Master Violinmakers, plus 4 inspectors.
The Trademark Committee, whose duty is to verify that the instruments bearing the Trademark are made in compliance with the set of Regulations required , was established in 2013 . Active since then, at regular intervals the Committee carries out unannounced inspections at the workshops, visiting the Violinmakers during their daily work in order to ascertain that – in all of its different stages the making of the stringed instruments is compliant with the construction process and techniques as stated in the relative phases in the Instrument Making Rules.
The members of the Committee, who freely offer their time, actively work to ensure compliance with best practice rules with regard to the use of the Trademark. A framework strenuously pursued by the Consortium that has been unique in its determination to create and adopt this inspection system in the making of the stringed instruments to be certified with the Trademark.
The new inspectors in charge for the next six months are Riccardo Bergonzi, Michele Ferrari, Bernard Neumann, Marcello Villa.