Negroni Davide
Corso Pietro Vacchelli, 7 - Cremona - 26100 - Italia
Phone: +39 0372 30721 - +39 339 6405215
Contacts: negronidavide@yahoo.it
Specializations Violins, violas, cellos Restoration and repair Evaluations Scientific documentation
Davide Negroni was born in Cremona on August 9th, 1991.
Davide started learning artistic woodworking in his father's workshop when he was a child. During this time he attained a good level of manual skill, which enabled him to make two different kinds of guitar.
During the summer, Davide usually spends time in his uncle's restoration workshop, where he is learning the art of preserving and restoring fine and antique furniture. He has learned to recognise the stiles and the materials involved, and also to apply the necessary techniques, such as lacquering, gilding and French polishing. He applies this skills and knowledge with the highest respect for the traditions of the past.
In 2009 he passed the high school leaving examination at the B. Munari high school in Cremona, which specialises in artistic subjects. His project as part of this examination was the design of a complete fresco on a wall of room in a children's hospital. He later continued this project by painting the fresco he had designed.
After a short trial period, his good manual skills are recognised and he is hired by the company Giani in Corte de Frati (Cremona), a famous builder and restorer of pipe organs.
Even if the work was very interesting, Davide decided to resign and to begin working with his father as a violin maker.
He began his training and soon started making violins, violas and cellos using Stradivari and Guarneri del Gesù models.
He has the opportunity to use excellent, well seasoned wood from his father store for all the components of the instruments, including bridges, bassbars and soundposts. These parts are all of the highest importance for the acoustic aspects of the instruments.
Davide has also learned the process of varnishing, retouching and French polishing using the mixed varnish which as been perfected by his father over his career, using an amber colour with orange reflections on a golden yellow ground.
He also participated in the 7th International Competition in Mittenwald in 2014.
Now he is a full member of "Negroni violinmaker & sons" and has a good working relationship with his father.