Giappone 2019

Dal primo novembre una ricca mostra di strumenti a marchio “Cremona Liuteria” in Giappone in collaborazione con “Il Violino Magico”.     Circa 30 strumenti tra violini, viole, violoncelli e archi saranno disponibili per essere ammirati e suonati a “The Stringed Instrument Fair” a Tokyo dal 1 al 3 novembre e presso il negozio “Virtuoso...

Exhibition in Corea del Sud

In partenza oltre 30 strumenti tra violini, viole e violoncelli a marchio “Cremona Liuteria”. Una tappa fissa oramai per il Consorzio Liutai quella in Corea del Sud con una doppia esposizione: prima a Jeonju dall’1 al 3 agosto e, a seguire, a Seul dal 4 al 6 con la partnership di Songwoo Trading.

Exhibition in Tirana

On Tuesday 14th May, the Consortium of Violinmakers will be at the University of Arts in Tirana, hosted by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, with an exhibition of fine cremonese instruments.   Masters violinmakers Bnedicte Friedmann and Pablo Farias will be there to show and present a selection of handmade violins, violas, cello bearing the...

Consorzio Liutai @ ESTA 2019

The members of the Consortium of Violin Makers invite you during the International ESTA Conference 2019. The Consortium of Violinmakers will be present with several proposals. In Sala Alabardieri, Cremona Town Hall, with an info point. In the showroom, Piazza Stradivari 1, with the following opening schedule: – Friday 26th, 9.30- 18.30 * – Saturday...

Portland Exhibition 2018

A tremendous exhibition of Cremona Liuteria string instruments: theConsortium of Violinmakers moves toDavid Kerr Violin Shop from December 8th. 34 instruments handmade in full compliance with the Cremonese violinmaking tradition: 18 violins, 8 violas and 8 cellos outcome of the craftsmanship of 30 different Master Violinmakers, member of the Consortium of Violinmakers. The best way...

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